Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The "BEST" Method in Choosing an Online Printing Company

Image : http://www.flickr.com

There are many ways to choose a printing company. However, do you really know what the "BEST" method is in choosing the right firm for online printing? If you don't, then let me teach you how. In this article about online printing, I will share with you how you can choose the right company with the B.E.S.T. formula. So let us get started.

B - Beautiful sample prints:
The first point to consider in choosing an online company is to see if they have "Beautiful sample prints." Everybody wants to check if the online company can really do the job that they say they can. So when choosing your online printer, check to see if they have sample prints for viewing, or if other testimonials about the company have images of some of these sample prints. Sometimes, you can even have a printing company send you a sample printing of their work if you just ask as well.
If you see that the sample printing looks great then you have a good candidate for the best printer for you.

E - Easy to follow transaction process
The next point to consider is the online printer's transaction process. It should be Easy to follow. There should not be any kind of complicated registry process and several forms to fill up in different pages. The best online printers will have a maximum of two forms for transactions and that is it. The order process should be quick easy and painless. It never should be a chore. So if the online printer you have now makes it a hard process, you should switch to a better and easier one to deal with.

S - Special options:
Another point to consider in choosing an online printing company are its special printing options. Do they offer different paper materials for printing? Do they offer the use of different inks? Do they have the ability to customize print dimensions? All these and many other options should be present in the online printing company that you choose if you really want the best. The best printing companies offer a wide range of printing options that are fit for many printing purposes. So always try to explore the website of a printing company first and see if they have a lot of special options. Find the one with the most extensive options and stick with them, since more likely they will be the most useful for you in online printing.

T - Testimonials - Finally, the choice of printing company all boils down to Testimonials. Customer testimonials about the online printing company is important, since this will give you an idea about the quality and service that the printing company has. If a online printer has bad testimonials, then definitely you should not do business with them. If however they have raving reviews from different independent testimonials then you are all set. As long as those testimonials look trustworthy enough you should have already found the online printer for you.

So there you have it. The BEST method for choosing an online printing company. Use this method to get the best company for your online printing purposes. Good Luck!

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